Comedy pilots on penny farthing bicycles with a “biplane upgrade”. The onboard sound system provides realistic engine sounds, amusing sound effects, and appropriate music. Magnificent!
An extremely clever and interactive act that really grabs your attention. Beautifully detailed biplanes, coupled with a high quality sound system and a large bank of sound files, any of which can be immediately triggered to maximise the comedy element of any situation. Tunes include Ride of the Valkyries, Dambusters theme, etc., plus vehicle reversing beeps, car alarms, amusing farts. The biplanes “land” in various places, have a good chat, fire off some sound effects, then “take off” again. Can perform synchronised stunt displays! Also perfect for parades, and can cover large areas with ease.
Previous clients include: Bahrain Air Show, Farnborough Air Shown, Shuttleworth Collection, Duxford Imperial War Museum, National Museum of Flight, Reading Armed Forces day
Duration: up to either 3 x 40 mins or 4 x 30 mins per day
Location: Hebden Bridge/Hackney
Notes: Available as a solo or a duo.
Technical requirements: Preferably somewhere to build and store the biplanes, and be able to drop off all equipment close to this area beforehand.