The Men in Slacks is a massive street show comprising juggling, ropewalking, acrobatics, live music, comedy, and costume malfunctions. It has a spectacular highline finale.
The Felicity Footloose Show
The Felicity Footloose Show is full of fun frolics and daredevil antics!!
Felicity footloose lives in the 80’s juggle knives hanging upside down!!
Splash Test Dummies
Rub-a-dub-dub, The Dummies are back with some splish splashing circus set to drown you in tears of laughter!
Edson – Multiskilled Performer
The Greatest Showpeople
Valerie Murzak – The Mirror Ball Girl
Drop It Like It’s Hot – Fire Crew
Arrrr we there yet?
Missionary Man (Forma Fortis)
Fast paced comedy acrobatic routine featuring high level hand to hand acrobatics.