Combining Science Communication with Circus Showmanship, this production reveals the story of our Earth via the rocks beneath our feet. New for 2020, this two-person production has been produced for the museum, heritage, science education and school market.
Flint the Rock Showman and Flossie the Earth’s Archivist will take you on a theatrical journey that explores 4.5 billion years of our planet’s geological past to find out what it can tell us about our future.
Flint and Flossie will bring their illustrated Show Booth and Cabinet of Curiosities to discover how Earth has changed over time and what is to be found under our feet with an amazing display of rocks, minerals and fossils.
This hands-on performance will entertain and inspire all ages with facts and circus antics and encourage you to gain a deeper knowledge of our world. The performance is followed by a chance to talk to Flint and Flossie and to explore the Rock Showman’s curiosity booth and rocks for yourself.
Flint the Rock Showman is played by Steve Cousins, a geologist and circus ringmaster at Let’s Circus. Flossie is played by Helen Averley, circus artist, illustrator and collector. The rocks and minerals are from their personal collections, Newcastle’s Common Room and The Mining Institute.
The travelling ‘Showman’s Booth’ is a 6m hexagonal gazebo illustrated with rich design including artistic elements and scientific reference. It is both a theatre and classroom. The accompanying rock, mineral and fossil collection gives the public an opportunity to handle and observe samples that would normally only be seen behind glass in Museums.
Audience & Client Feedback, February 2020:
“We were lucky to see “the greatest show unearthed ” today. AWESOME and FAB were the comments from the children and the adults.”
“ My daughter never engages with anything and she was totally mesmerised. I’m really happy!”
“The Greatest Show Unearthed was very popular and all the Woodhorn Museum staff thoroughly enjoyed it as well.”
“This show would be great for schools, especially year 8s who do Geology in their curriculum.”
Duration: 40 minutes
Location: Tyneside
Notes: Booth is 6m diameter octagonal free standing structure which is suitable for indoor or outdoor use.
The show can pre presented within the booth or adapted to stage, classroom or theatre.